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30 mars 2015 1 30 /03 /mars /2015 20:03

Here is the link to another place that stores the PJCs/Beans article without adds.



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9 mars 2015 1 09 /03 /mars /2015 21:12


Here is a Java bean that allows to have an enhanced Web Browser able to display and handle Google maps.
It is a full Web browser that can handle Javascript.

The enhanced Web browser JAR comes from the JDIC sourceforge project.


Web Browser to handle Google maps

The implementation class of the Bean Item


The methods you can call

  • Get the Forms Window

Set_Custom_Property( 'BL.BEAN', 1, 'INFOBEAN', '' ) ;

This mathod is used to retrieve the Forms window that handles the webBrowser, then synchronize its position when the windows is moved.
This must be the first property set (in the When-New-Form-Instance trigger).


  • Set the HTML content

Set_Custom_Property( 'BL.BEAN', 1, 'SET_HTML_CONTENT', '<html>...</html>' ) ;

In the case of this bean, that method is used to initialise the Google map.


  • Set a javascript command 

Set_Custom_Property( 'BL.BEAN', 1, 'SET_JAVASCRIPT', 'javascript code' ) ;

e.g. :

Set_Custom_Property('BL.BEAN', 1, 'SET_JAVASCRIPT', 'map.panBy(100,60);' )


  • Set the URL/File

Set_Custom_Property( 'BL.BEAN', 1, 'SET_URL', 'url | file_name' ) ;

e.g. :

Set_Custom_Property('BL.BEAN', 1, 'SET_URL', 'http://www.developpez.com/' ) ;         

Set_Custom_Property('BL.BEAN', 1, 'SET_URL', 'd:/mypage.htm' ) ;


  • Set the border of the bean

Set_Custom_Property( 'BL.BEAN', 1, 'SET_BORDER', 'true | false' ) ;

When you want to use this bean to display a Flash image (*.swf), you would probably prefer not to have any border bounding the image.
In this case, set the border to false.


  • Basic navigation

Set_Custom_Property( 'BL.BEAN', 1, 'SET_NAVIGATION', 'back | forward | refresh' ) ;

The sample dialog

Download the gmapbrowser.zip file

     . Unzip the files
     . copy the
JDICplus.jar and GMapBrowser.jar files in the <ORACLE_HOME>/forms/java directory
     . Edit your /forms/server/formsweb.cfg file to add these 2 jar files to the archive tags
     . Add the 2 .dll files 
jdicArc.dll and jdicWeb.dll (from the JDICplus-0.2.2-bin-win32.zip file) to your Windows/system32 directory
     . Open the GMapBowser.fmb module (Oracle Forms 10.1.2)
     . Compile all and run the module

     The .jar files must be signed
     The GMapBrowser.jar and JDICplus.jar files provided with the .zip file are already signed



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21 décembre 2014 7 21 /12 /décembre /2014 07:14

I have just upload the version of the LAF that corrects the following:

- Error when using the


methods of the DrawLAF Javabean.

- The Shapes added with the ADD_TEXTUREPAINT method can have, now a transparent background.

- Correction in the laf.pll when table-blocks headers are multi-lines and/or Textitems height is bigger than standard.

Get the new version on the LAF site.


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16 décembre 2014 2 16 /12 /décembre /2014 19:24

Hello there,
It's been a long time.
This is an amazing new .FMB Forms module, kind of "Tetris" like game.
It needs the last 1.7.7 version of the LAF to run. The game is a little bit buggy, but the aim, there, is only to demonstrate what you can do with new LAF 1.7.7 dynamic shape creation and animation.


Have a good time :-)

Download the brickdown.fmb module there.

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30 décembre 2013 1 30 /12 /décembre /2013 11:46


Merry Christmas to everybody :)

This year, my present will be the Forms Resizer tool free for you!

You can use, play, modify and deploy it as you need and as you want. There is no license at all attached to it.

But, I won't continue to update, maintain it in any way, so there will not be any new version, any support, and I won't respond to any question about it.

Get the Forms Resizer tool for free there


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7 mai 2013 2 07 /05 /mai /2013 07:36


Here is a Java Bean with a "breadcrumb" menu type behaviour

Conceal Text Field

The Java source


The implementation class of the Java Bean


The methods you can call

  • Set the background color

Set_Custom_Property( 'CTRL.BREADCRUMB', 1, 'SET_BACKGROUND', '#FFFFFF' );

  • Set the Font

Set_Custom_Property( 'CTRL.BREADCRUMB', 1, 'SET_FONT', 'Verdana,bold,14' );
second argument can be plain, bold, italic or bolditalic



  • Set the menu content

Set_Custom_Property( 'CTRL.BREADCRUMB', 1, 'SET_CONTENT', LC$Menu_Content );
 s varchar2(2000);
 s := '<style>a.val {color: red}</style>';
 s := s || '<a class="val" href="module1.fmx">option 1</a>';
 s := s || ' >> <a class="val" href="module2.fmx">option 2</a>';
 s := s || ' >> option 3';
 Set_Custom_Property('CTRL.BREADCRUMB', 1, 'SET_LOG', 'true');
 Set_Custom_Property('CTRL.BREADCRUMB', 1, 'SET_BACKGROUND', '#FFFFFF');
 Set_Custom_Property('CTRL.BREADCRUMB', 1, 'SET_FONT', 'Verdana,bold,15');
 Set_Custom_Property('CTRL.BREADCRUMB', 1, 'SET_CONTENT', s);




  • Set the log

Set_Custom_Property('BLOCK.TEXT_ITEM', 1, 'SET_LOG', 'true'); 

The event raised back to Forms

While the end-user selects an option, the LINK_ACTIVATED event is raised, then the link name is transmitted via the LINK_NAME parameter:

When-Custom-Item-Event trigger:

    eventName      varchar2(30) := :system.custom_item_event;
    eventValues    ParamList;
    eventValueType number;
    p1             varchar2(256);
   eventValues := get_parameter_list(:system.custom_item_event_parameters);
   IF (eventName='LINK_ACTIVATED') THEN  
      get_parameter_attr(eventValues,'LINK_NAME',eventValueType, p1);
      :CTRL.OPTION := p1;
   END IF;

The sample dialog

  Download the breadcrumb.zip file
     .  Unzip the breadcrumb.zip file
     .  Copy the breadcrumb.jar file in your /forms/java/ folder
     .  Add it to the archive and archive_jini tags of the /forms/server/formsweb.cfg file
        e.g.: archive_jini=frmall_jinit.jar,breadcrumb.jar
     . Open the breadcrumb.fmb module (Oracle Forms
     . Compile all and run the module

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21 mars 2012 3 21 /03 /mars /2012 18:38

This is another version of the Handle Image Java Bean. Is is based on the 3rd Bean version, with the following new features:


1. SETTOOLTIP() method to attach a tooltip to the Image Item

2. New Drag and Drop feature that allows the end user to drop an image file directly to the Image component.


An event is sent back to Forms to tell that the end user has changed the image content:


    eventName varchar2(30) := :system.custom_item_event;
    eventValues ParamList;
    eventValueType number;
    p1  varchar2(256);
   eventValues := get_parameter_list(:system.custom_item_event_parameters);
   IF (eventName='IMAGE_DROPPED') THEN  
      get_parameter_attr(eventValues,'IMAGE_NAME',eventValueType, p1);
      Message('Image dropped:' || p1,no_acknowledge);      
   END IF;


Get the new handleimage4.zip file

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12 décembre 2011 1 12 /12 /décembre /2011 19:29


Here is a PJC that hide parts of a text item
. It is usefull to hide the begin or the end (or any part actually) of a phone number or a credit card.

Conceal Text Field

The implementation class of the PJC


The methods you can call

  • Set the bounds

Set_Custom_Property( 'BL.TI', 1, 'SET_BOUNDS', '1,6' );
This method indicates what part of the text you want to obfusk. In this example, we want to obfusk the first six charaters.



  • Set the log

Set_Custom_Property('BLOCK.TEXT_ITEM', 1, 'SET_LOG', 'true'); 

The sample dialog

Download the concealtextfield.zip file
     .  Unzip the concealtextfield.zip.zip file
     .  Copy the concealtextfield.jar file in your /forms/java/ folder
     .  Add it to the archive and archive_jini tags of the /forms/server/formsweb.cfg file
        e.g.: archive_jini=frmall_jinit.jar,concealtextfield.jar
     . Open the ConcealTextField.fmb module (Oracle Forms 10.1.2)
     . Compile all and run the module

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27 août 2011 6 27 /08 /août /2011 07:56


Here is a Java Bean from Gert Poel, to Drop an external file within the Forms applications.

The Java source

     FileDrop.java   FileDropBean.java

The implementation class of the Java Bean


The event fired by the Java Bean


The full filemane is transmitted in the EVENT_MSG parameter.

 l_eventName varchar2(30) := :system.custom_item_event;
 l_eventValues ParamList;
 l_eventValueType number;
 l_event_msg VARCHAR2(255);
   IF l_eventName = 'DROP'
      l_eventValues := get_parameter_list(:system.custom_item_event_parameters);
      get_parameter_attr(l_eventValues,'EVENT_MSG',l_eventValueType, l_event_msg);
      IF :system.record_status <> 'NEW'
      END IF;
      :ctrl.file_location := l_event_msg;
   END IF;

The sample dialog

Download the filedrop.zip file
     . Unzip the filedrop.zip file
     . Copy the FileDrop.jar file in your /forms/java/ folder
     . Add it to the archive and archive_jini tags of the /forms/server/formsweb.cfg file
     . Open the FILEDROP.fmb module (Oracle Forms 10.1.2)
     . Compile all and run the module

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26 juin 2011 7 26 /06 /juin /2011 08:27


Here is a Pluggable Java Component from Andreas Weiden, to have a "Card" item style within a single Text Item.

CardItem PJC

The Java source


The implementation class of the PJC (TextItem Item)


The PJC initialisation

Read the content of the PK_CARDITEM package from the CARDITEM.fmb sample dialog

The sample dialog

Download the carditem.zip file
     . Unzip the carditem.zip file
     . Copy the carditem.jar file in your /forms/java/ folder
     . Add it to the archive and archive_jini tags of the /forms/server/formsweb.cfg file
     . Compile the PKG_READ_BLOB_IMAGE.sql script in your database schema
     . Open the CARDITEM.fmb module (Oracle Forms
     . Compile all and run the module


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